Missions Newsletter - February 2024
"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness; come before his presence with singing." Psalm 100:1-2
Please keep these new missionaries in your prayers, whom we have begun to support!
Caleb and Janima O... from Lima, Peru, South America are involved in working with the deaf and hearing.
Carlos and Nelly Garcia from Francisco I Madero, Coahuila, Mexico have been working in an area with drug cartel and families that have much poverty.
Included in this newsletter is a map of Mexico and South America with the names and locations of the missionaries that we support.
We covet your prayers for their families and ministry.
To God be the glory for the answered prayers of the family of missionary Luis Antonio... Special Christmas love offerings from churches and individuals helped to provide a bed for their children.
Please keep us in our prayers as we plan to visit Bible schools in Mexico to meet prospective church planters. Our hopes are to help begin supporting the ministries of these students after they graduate from Bible school.
On February 9, 2024 Karen's mom, at 100 years old, went to be in the presence of tne Lord Jesus Christ. What a privilege it was to be witb her when she went on to glory. Please keep Karen's family in your prayers.s
An heir of God through Christ.
Joel Silos D. D.